Did you know that you can visit our liquorice factory just outside Copenhagen? When you visit the factory, our very knowledgeable guides will take you on a unique factory tour. Where all your senses will be activated from the moment you walk through the door. Get a sneak peek of what you will experience below!
1. TASTE THE WARM AND FRESHLY MADE GOURMET LIQUORICE. During the tour you will get the chance to try our liquorice straight out of the liquorice machine. The fresh and still very warm liquorice is a taste we guarantee will leave you longing for more.
2. LEARN HOW OUR LIQUORICE IS MADE. Our guides will walk you through the whole factory and explain all the details and facts imaginable when making liquorice. It is a process with many steps starting with a liquorice machine. Have you ever seen one?
3. SEE HOW WE MAKE DIFFERENT FLAVOURS OF CHOCOLATE COATED LIQUORICE. Many of the LAKRIDS BY BÜLOW liquorice are chocolate coated which is all done inside the factory. The production staff will take you to our coating pans and show you how the chocolate is poured onto the liquorice and how the rounded form is achieved.
4. EXPERIENCE OUR ORGANIC DEPARTMENT, WHERE LIQUORICE CHEFS HANDCRAFT THE LIQUORICE MASS. Our SLOW CRAFTED liquorice takes 4 hours to produce and is a long handcrafted process that ends with a very unique liquorice taste and consistency. It is a taste which took us 15 years to perfect, and of course you also get to enjoy this on your tour.
5. LEARN WHAT WE DO IN OUR CREATIVE LAB. Towards the end of the tour you might have the chance to meet the woman behind the curtain that develops our new and exciting flavours. Here you also have the ability to write your opinions and ideas for new flavours that you think we should explore.
We really hope to welcome you to the FACTORY EXPERIENCE. Get your tickets here!